Promoting excellence
For over 40 years, Dance Conservatory has trained 90% of the artists of Lafayette Ballet Theatre. LBT students annually gain acceptance into the following prestigious schools: School of American Ballet, American Ballet Theatre, Pacific Northwest Ballet, Boston Ballet, Miami City Ballet, Houston Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, and many more.
DANCE CONSERVATORY, the official school of Lafayette Ballet Theatre, offers Creative Movement, Pre-Ballet, Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced classes to girls and boys, ages 4 to 18. Contact the School’s office, (337 345-5317 during school hours, (Mon-Fri) or email for registration details or to schedule a placement audition class.
Classes for students ages 4-5 are filled on a first come, first serve basis. New students do not need to take a placement class. Call the school for information on registration. Class size is limited.
PLACEMENT AUDITION CLASS for year round Winter Program admission:
Prospective students age 6 and up are required to take a placement class to determine the student’s level. Class placement is based on the student’s skill and strength, relative to other students in the School. Winter program auditions are held annually in Mid-August, but can also be scheduled throughout the year. Admission into the School is based on age-appropriate placement and available space in a student’s level. Please call the School (337 345-5317) , email or contact us online to schedule a placement audition class.
We do not “audition” summer students since we do not want to turn away interested dancers; rather we ask them to attend a basic ballet class through which we assess the correct placement for them among our student population. The Summer Course curriculum offers challenging instruction and is suited for the serious ballet student only.